

Mbé, word that comes from Yoruba and means “to be and to exist”, is the persona of the artist, researcher, producer and sound engineer from Rio, Luan Correia. His project is based on a search for technological fossils, which are used as communication tools in order to build a present-future.


18h00 – abertura da casa

Local: Galpão CRU – Rua Cruzeiro, 802 – Barra Funda, São Paulo

Free tickets on a first-come, first-served basis. Location subject to maximum capacity.
It’s necessary to present the vaccine passport.

Sound and visual composer, weaver – I make hand-knit garments – and experimental artist with body, voice and other mediums, in the transmission and lines to the the transit of sounds, images, voices, music and atmospheres. I was born and raised in Jequié-Bahia and I’m indigenous Pataxó-Kiriri.