17.04 7pm
Inés Terra (AR/BR) is a vocal performer, improviser and composer. She works in the areas of music, sound art and performance , using voice exploration as a connection within creation processes. She created the vocal performance series Língua Fora at São Paulo and released albums as Ruminar (Editora Leviatã), Teia (RKZ Records) with Julia Teles and Ferrugem (Seminal Records) with Cadós Sanchez.
Thayná Oliveira is a music therapist, art therapist and uses the cello as a tool for expression and exploration. Performs the study of sounds, symbols and their connections in different languages. She recorded with Rádio Diáspora (2019) and Banda Cristalina (2019/20). She participated as a musician in the shows “O quarto estado da água”, “As aventuras do boi Beleza”, “Orquestra profunda de delicadeza”, “O pequeno príncipe Negro” and participated in actions with the collective Alcova.
Chilean double bass player, vocalist, improviser and composer who bases her work on sound experimentation and the search for her own language through different musical expressions. She has performed in concerts and festivals in several countries of Latin America and Europe, collaborating with artists from different parts of the world.