




The educational workshops take the audience to explore the music, the body arts and the visual arts under a contemporary bias. With the goal of developing and integration these activities are closed to children and young people in training.

Fotografia colorida. Lello está sentado em uma cadeira preta dentro de uma sala branca repleta de mesas de som, pedais e fios. Lello, com o peito desnudo, toca as cordas de uma guitarra branca que está apoiada na perna direita dele. Ele usa um dispositivo com alças nas costas. De uma base pequena saem dois grandes braços metálicos articulados com uma engrenagem rotatória nas pontas, onde estão acopladas pás de tecido. Lello tem cabelos curtos e descoloridos; barba, bigode e cavanhaque pretos e orelhas pequenas. Usa bermuda e coturnos pretos.

Initiation to musical aesthetics

The workshop aims to inform and guide people started in music about the universe of musical aesthetics. Bringing examples of identification, manipulation and sound making with several materials. Electric and not electric.

instructor: Lello Bezerra
Lello Bezerra is a guitarist, composer, free improviser and artist-educator. Aesthetic research supported by gestalt, social psychology of education and psychoanalysis, intersecting languages and knowledge for his sound approach.

Corpos Nascentes

Each day our body is born in a way. From the space, rithm and stimulus that the environment offers we develop in our paths. Respecting that time and emotional states od the moment the workshop proposes a ludic space with different sensory stations, inviting the touch, listening, sight, smell and palate to play dancing.

instructor: Priscilla Ribeiro
Priscila Ribeiro has a degree in Physical Education in UniFMU. She is a dancer, choreographer, artist and researches body and childhood culture. Owns Le Rêve Dance School. Creator of the Corpo Nascente project, which welcomes and develop early childhood bodies and tutors.

Invention of Toys and Creatures of Noise

A circuit of investigations about the artistic creation, the body and the spaces from the production of masks using diverse materials and support prioritizing the reuse of discarded waste through techniques such as drawing, painting, cutting and collage. The process has the goal to stimulate the artistic production and to develop it’s own language and ludic narrative constructions from the materials that we have at home introducing concepts such as recycling and upcycling besides to promote the interaction as well as reflections about oneself and the other.

instructor: Renan Soares
Multimedia Artist/Art Director, works on different platforms and media such as: Design, Illustration, Painting, Street Art, Audiovisual, Performance, Scenography, Fashion, Installation. Researches the universe of masks, costumes, toys, graphic prints and digital environments.

How to build a piano with bananas

How to build a piano with bananas is practical, technical and playful workshop developed by the art-technoligist André Zurawski that proposes the assemble of a “banana piano” with the usage of open source softwares, a microcontroller board and bananas.

instructor: André Zurawski
André Zurawski is a director, actor and specialist in information technology. Graduated in Cinema (USP) and in Information Technology (SENAC), since 2012 has been developing research focused on the hybridity of languages, mainly theater, cinema, music and art-technology.