8 pm

Biblioteca Mario de Andrade
Rua da Consolação, 94 – República – São Paulo

Free entry. Ticket pick-up at the box office 1 hour before the performance.
Location subject to maximum capacity.

Chiado live

by Angela Novaes and Juliano Gentile
Fotografia colorida. Thelmo está de perfil e usa fones de ouvido supraauriculares pretos. Thelmo está com as duas mãos para baixo e olha para frente. Ele é um homem negro de pele clara, tem o cabelo escuro Black Power, barba grisalha e cheia. Usa uma camiseta cinza e óculos de grau. O fundo da foto é bege e há alguns desníveis na parede.

Thelmo Cristovam

Thelmo Cristovam, Brasília/DF, 1975, lives/works in Olinda/PE. Sound artist, improviser, composer and independent researcher in psychoacoustics. He works in free improvisation through breathing/throat and electromagnetic waves, field recordings, radio art and gives workshops on these subjects.


Along three decades, Rossano has been involved with experiments at music. Presently, the artist divides his work between Art and Pedagogy. At music, he has developed a project based on the Afro Brazilian rhythms and Mythology counterpointing (just pointing) with the Shakespeare’s sonnets.