8 pm

Sala dos Toninhos
Av. Francisco Teodoro, 1050, Vl Industrial – Campinas/SP

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis.
Location subject to maximum capacity.
Free Parking.

Fotografia colorida. Charlotte é vista de frente tocando uma viola. Ela segura a viola no queixo com um arco em cada mão. Vê-se a mão esquerda sob a testa, bagunçando os cabelos dela. A boca dela boca está aberta com batom vermelho intenso e seus olhos estão fechados.

Charlotte Hug (CH)

Swiss composer, performer, and visual artist Charlotte Hug is internationally known for her solo performances and inter-medial compositions. She won many awards and residencies in London, Paris, Berlin, Johannesburg and Shanghai; She was Artiste Étoile at the world-renowned Lucerne Festival.

Diane Labrosse (CA)

Working mainly with electronic samplers, Diane Labrosse has a very personal approach to sounds, exploring textures and timbres and creating an abstract evocative music. She is a regular on several music scenes and has performed in many festivals of electronic and improvised music around the world.