8 pm

Sala dos Toninhos
Av. Francisco Teodoro, 1050, Vl Industrial – Campinas/SP

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis.
Location subject to maximum capacity.
Free Parking.

Fotografia colorida. Bruno está com o corpo virado para o lado esquerdo segurando um bandolim. A mão esquerda de Bruno está em movimento tocando o bandolim e a mão direita apoiada sob as cordas. Bruno tem cabelos curtos e escuros, barba e bigode pretos e orelhas grandes. Ao fundo vê-se uma parede bege, com a sombra dele refletindo sobre ela.

Bruno Trchmnn

Bruno Trchmnn lives in Campinas-SP, where he works as a teacher. His practice is guided by improvisation, the intervallic listening of drones, and open and intuitive tuning systems. Has research and theoretical production about experimental music and its political intersections.

Morgane Carnet (FR)

Morgane is a versatile musician who has evolved in fields ranging from free jazz and pop to experimental, traditional and electronic music. She has a pronounced taste for improvisation, which she has been practicing on the saxophone for 15 years. Some of her bands include Qonicho Ah!, Selen Peacock, Why Patterns?, Vattelappesca…