10 am
6 pm

Tendal da Lapa
Rua Guaicurus, 1100 – Água Branca, São Paulo

Free entry on a first-come, first-served basis.
Location subject to maximum capacity.

Sensory installation for children

Caminhos de água (Water Paths) is an interactive and immersive installation featuring visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. The threads trace curved paths, resembling water paths. Like the strings of a musical instrument, they vibrate with the tensions of the architecture itself through interaction. Thus, they demarcate navigable boundaries. Touching the threads triggers the auditory and visual events. What is seen is produced by what is touched, in a path of back and forth.

Caminhos de água features a quadraphonic sound system that enhances the auditory perception in the space, inviting exploration. The threads are connected to ten piezoelectric sensors, which not only amplify the physical contact with them but also trigger various events (sound, light, motors). At all times, in addition to the sound generated by the threads through the sensors, there will be a subtle permanent sound field, poetically suggesting the presence of water.

Fotografia colorida. Bellacomsom está agachada ao ar livre. Faz sol e ela está embaixo da sombra de árvores. Há diversos feixes de luz que atravessam as folhas. Na frente dela há uma mesa com diversos equipamentos eletrônicos compostos por botões, cabos e fios. Na ponta esquerda da mesa há um laptop com a tela aberta. Bellacomsom é branca, tem pele clara e cabelos curtissímos escuros. Os olhos são escuros, o nariz é largo, os lábios finos. Ela olha para frente. Usa um conjunto de moletom com calça e blusa brancos. A imagem tem um efeito de sobreposição e está replicada duas vezes. O chão está coberto com folhas secas.


BELLACOMSOM, transdisciplinary artist, producing works ranging from radio art and performative actions to sound installations, videos and objects. Her research traverses the relationship between nature and technology, through the design of antennas and listening itself as a means of conection.

Jorge Crowe (AR)

Jorge Crowe is an audiovisual artist and educator who uses electronics to create live audiovisual experiences at the intersection of pop culture, object theater, cinema, and electronic music.